At Frontier Fine Cars, our Auto Financing team has over 40 years combined experience. We are committed to delivering you the best rates in the market for the car you love through our relationships with over 25+ banks and lenders. We specialize in all approvals for all credit situations, including low credit and low income, as well as prime credit.
Dealer Financing
One of the best things about financing your used car purchase through our dealership is that in most cases you can drive away in your new car the same day. When you finance directly through a bank, you may have to wait up to a week for approval or denial of your application. Getting a car loan from a trusted car dealership like Frontier Fine Cars, means you’re working with a team trying to get you the lowest rates possible.
Which Financing Option Is Best?
Regardless of what you decide, make sure that you read the terms and conditions in full of any finance agreement you choose to apply for. Make sure to do the math and understand your long-term budget and repayment expectations prior to agreeing to sign any documents. Frontier Fine Cars is always here to give you advice about the various used car loans that are available with no obligation. Give us a call at 416-759-2277 and someone will get in touch with you within 24 hours.